Stop Getting Evaporated (SGE) by your organic competition

Digital Marketing Insider (108): 1-8-24


What does it stand for?

  • Stop Getting Evaporated (by your organic competition)

  • Start Growing (relevant) Eyeballs (to your website)

  • Single Greatest Epportunity (in organic traffic history)*

*Yes, I know I spelled opportunity wrong. I had to fit it in, ok?

Jokes aside, SGE stands for Search Generative Experience and it’s representative of Google’s largest update to the SERP experience since… well maybe ever.

Instead of 10 carefully curated websites based on your query, you’ll get a (seemingly official) answer to the question your query suggests.

Oh, and that answer? Will take up almost half the page.

Which means your previously coveted #1 spot? Well that’s below the fold now.

So, how do you rank in the SGE experience? How do you become the ‘official answer’ of AI language models?

All that and more (in the 4th link).

Straight from Google, WTF is SGE?

The official SGE whitepaper published by the search giant themselves. This delves into the details of SGE, what it is, how it works, and why it’s so important to the future of search.

SGE features, intentions, and where search is headed

Less whitepaper-y, and more understandable than the link above - this is Google’s brochure page for SGE. A bit lighter on the jargon, but they get the point across all the same. It’s coming, and it’s big.

SEMrush dives into SGE and its (massive?) implications

Ok, time for some unbiased reporting (maybe?). SEMrush has done their own analysis of SGE and what they view to be some of the most important metrics to track along the way to success.

The OFFICIAL SGE POV from WebMechanix

Ok, yeah, those articles above? All about features and buttons. But what about you SEOs out there? What do you DO with SGE? Well, here’s a point of view on what it is, how to adapt to it, and better yet, how to crush the competition.

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