Get users to tell you stuff (and other key first-party data tips)

Digital Marketing Insider (81): 10-16-23

Sure - cookie-pocalypse got delayed…

But first party data collection? Yeah don’t delay that.

There’s a rising importance in collecting your own audience data in B2B (and it’s a key strategy in 2024+).

If you’ve started, great! If you haven’t, check out posts 3 & 4 here.

B2B social media ‘sweet spots’: What’s working and what’s not

Uncover the winning strategies for B2B social media in this comprehensive article. Gain valuable insights on what's effective and what's not, and elevate your marketing efforts to achieve remarkable results. Don't miss out on this essential resource!

15 Comms Pros Share Where Their Brands Post On Social Media (And Why)

Unlock social media wisdom from 15 communication pros! Discover where top brands post and why in this Forbes article. Boost your strategy now.

The Growing Importance Of Audience Data In B2B Marketing

Explore the rising significance of audience data in B2B marketing. Gain insights from this informative AdExchanger article. Elevate your strategy today!

Future-Proofing B2B Marketing: Key Strategies For 2024 Planning Success

Get ahead in 2024 planning with these 6 transformative trends. Uncover insights on the future of marketing in this must-read Demand Gen Report article.

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