Digital Marketing Insider (29): 6-7-23

June 7th edition:

Yes, I stole the subject line for this email from this famous ad (IYKYK).

But seriously, the times have changed for marketing… particularly in B2B.

If you’re not keeping up, your prospects’ eyes will glaze over looking at your marketing like a Krispy Kreme donut.

So now that I’ve made you hungry…

Go grab your favorite delicious pastry and a coffee, then snack on these tips (before your marketing competitors gobble them all up 😉)

Do you make these digital marketing blunders? 🤔

Master the art of B2B digital marketing with expert guidance from Forbes! Learn how to sidestep common blunders and maximize your marketing efforts with proven strategies and insights. Don't let mistakes hold you back - read on to elevate your B2B digital marketing game today!

5 mistakes your CEO is probably making with your marketing right now (can you relate?)

Avoid common B2B marketing pitfalls with this must-read article!'s Young Entrepreneur Council highlights 5 crucial mistakes CEOs make in B2B marketing and offers expert advice to overcome them. Boost your marketing strategy and achieve success - read on to discover these valuable insights!

Account-based marketing is undergoing a radical shift — here’s what the future holds.

Unleash the power of Account-Based Marketing (ABM) to refine your business focus! This article delves into the latest trends, strategies, and expert insights to help you target key accounts, personalize experiences, and drive growth. Elevate your marketing game with ABM - read on to learn more!

Why Digital marketing is all about the “dollar dollar bills, y’all” 💵💵💵

Maximize your digital marketing ROI with these expert tips from Media Update! Learn how to get more bang for your marketing bucks by leveraging the right strategies, channels, and tools. Don't miss out on these valuable insights - read on to supercharge your marketing efforts today!

This newsletter was created by the digital marketing experts at WebMechanix.

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