Mastering Content Optimization for Your Shiny New Website with DMI!

Digital Marketing Insider (159): 5-24-24

Howdy Digital Marketing Insiders!

As always these Friday newsletters are authored by members of our marketing agency. So I want to take 2 seconds to shout out this weeks author, our Sr Website Developer Joe Manson. We are lucky enough to have DOZENS of badasses behind the scenes, and Joe really takes pride in everything he does even when no one knows it is his work. Cheers to Joe! 🍻 

So, get ready to revolutionize your website's redesign process with our latest blog installment: "Mastering Content Optimization for Your Shiny New Website!" 🌟

In the past, we laid the groundwork, discussing the critical role of content in breathing life into your online presence. But now, it's time to roll up our sleeves and tackle the nitty-gritty details.

Join us as we delve into the art of content creation and entry, uncovering strategies to streamline the process and ensure your website shines like never before. From crafting compelling narratives to fine-tuning SEO strategies, we've got you covered every step of the way.

Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your website's performance and user engagement. Stay tuned for expert insights, practical tips, and real-world case studies that will take your website redesign to the next level!

Get ready to transform your online presence and leave a lasting impression. Let's embark on this journey together! 🚀

Website Redesign Content Optimization

“Time to get that content
into our shiny new website!”

… cracks knuckles …

… sits down at the computer …

… drinks coffee …

… stares blankly at the screen …

Content, oh content, where do I begin.

Content is the life breath of your website.

Content is what Google looks at when ranking your site for search results.

Content is how users will come to understand what you are all about.

Content will funnel a user to ultimately convert into a customer.

Content not only communicates information on your company but tells the story of your products / services / solutions.

Without content, things would be … pretty boring.

Now, let’s explore some strategies to enhance your content for a successful website redesign.

The Daunting Task of Content Creation and Entry

At WebMechanix our Design team creates beautiful compelling website redesigns that are capable of keeping a user engaged and continuing their journey down the rabbit hole wanting to see what else is on the site, but without content to enhance and fit within the design, it falls flat.

Myself, being the lead web developer on a project, I’m on the home stretch of the redesign process and too often content becomes the holdup at the end of the line. It is so easy to think the content will come together quickly, heck you have a website now with all the content, so moving it over will be a synch! Well yes and no 😉

To a seasoned WordPress expert, content entry is fairly straightforward. Armed with the experience of entering countless web pages through WordPress’ block editor allows for succinct entry without having to hunt and peck for settings, and all the while keeping in mind the consistent style and feel the website should convey. After all, what good was getting that stellar design if each page is going to have mismatched layouts and spacing 😢.

Without experience in WordPress block editor, or content optimization, you quickly find yourself burning hours trying to get the formatting just right, struggling to size images properly, and introducing inconsistencies between pages.

WordPress makes a lot of things easier, but it also has a learning curve to become efficient and work optimally. 1000% you should know how the system works, the tools available, and how to create new content and edit existing pages. But as far as the initial load of getting started, it is often best to leave that to highly skilled individuals.

For instance, I’m a pretty capable DIYer, and can do a lot of things around my house that many people call a handyman for, but when there is a larger project, e.g. building an addition, I rely on contractors to get the job done in a timely fashion so all pieces of the puzzle fall into place when they should and the room can get completed this year 🙂. Sure I can run electrical, hang drywall, and paint a room, but at scale these are better handled by a team of professionals and I’ll apply my talents to supervising and making edits later.

Two Main Benefits of Redesign Content Optimization: Optimize Content and Save Time

When redesigning your website, optimizing content and saving time are critical components that drive the success of the project. By improving content quality and efficiency in content management, you set a solid foundation for your website’s performance and user engagement. Let’s explore how effective content creation and strategic entry can achieve these goals.

To read the rest of this article and other great ones like it, go check out our WebMechanix Blog. See you there!

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