Use ChatGPT To Write Crazy Effective Google Ads Copy

Digital Marketing Insider (141): 4-5-24

Hello Insiders!

This week we are diving deep into writing Google Ads with Chat GPT

This blog was written by our Senior Marketing Strategist Adam Leech.

Do you believe AI is going to take over the world?

… Or at least your ads copy?

Adam dives into everything you need to know for the future of your Google Ads.

Creating Google Ads Copy With AI Using ChatGPT & Google's Natural Language Tool

I have a prediction: I don’t think AI is going to take many jobs. Most advertisers will eventually use ChatGPT (or other AI tools) to write all their Google Ad copy. When that happens, having an understanding of copywriting basics, the impact your product / service has on potential customers, and your personal taste are going to be even more important.

Most search ads aren’t creative. In fact, they’re downright boring. Take this random ad for example:

If your competitors are using Google Ads, it’s almost guaranteed they’re using search ads. Their ads are usually written by people like me - data nerds that have a tried and true formula to writing Google ad copy.

You’ll occasionally see amazing search ads. But that’s not the norm, and we’re going to change that with ChatGPT.

Can I use ChatGPT to write Google Ads?

Yes, you can use ChatGPT to write Google Ads. This AI tool boosts your PPC campaigns by creating engaging ad content, generating ideas, analyzing audiences, and proofreading. Far from being just a content generator, ChatGPT is a versatile workflow asset for marketing tasks. To maximize its benefits, craft detailed prompts and study examples of successful ads, keeping your advertising strategies competitive and effective.

First, let’s go through how to write a great prompt for copywriting.

Writing An Effective Prompt

There’s a way to write prompts so you get back actually usable answers from ChatGPT. You can have ChatGPT create your prompt for you. But if decide to write your prompt from scratch, make sure you include all seven of these:

  1. Length: Give ChatGPT an idea of the length of copy you want written. Keep in mind It might still go past the guidelines you give it. But without you including the length of copy you want you’ll have a ton of editing to do later.

  2. Type of copy: Include the platform you’re writing for in your prompt. Giving your ad writer more context where the ads are being used is always helpful, and the same goes for ChatGPT.

  3. Type of product/service: It’s a no-brainer, but it can’t write effectively if it doesn’t know what it’s promoting. Give it all the context it needs to write for the specific product or service you’re promoting.

  4. Target audience: Make sure you let ChatGPT know who your ICP is for the ads you’re writing. Usually, the more detailed you can be the better.

  5. Tone of voice: How do you want the copy to be written? Does your company have brand guidelines to stay within? Let ChatGPT know if you have preferences or guidelines to stay within.

  6. Call to action: I’m referring to the call to action on the landing. Make sure what you’re telling people to do in your ad aligns with what you want them to do after they click the ad.

  7. Key points you want included in your ad: Is there anything you want/need to mention in your copy? Your goal is to make sure ChatGPT has all the context it needs to write your ads effectively.

  8. Examples of success (if you have them): Giving examples to ChatGPT informs it on how it’s supposed to structure its response to you.

I find it hard to write a prompt for a subject I don’t have knowledge about. And in my experience, you won’t know if what you get back is useful unless you do. 

Right now, ChatGPT (and other LLM / AI tools) are only as effective as the prompt you give them. Let’s go over a prompt I love for writing Google Ad copy.

Creating Ad Copy With ChatGPT That Doesn’t Suck

Below is the full prompt I use to write ad copy. Everything inside the brackets is changeable. Read through it first, then we’ll break it down afterwards:

To read the rest of this article and to get Adam’s prompts go check out our WebMechanix Blog. See you there!

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