Linkedin LAL? Gone. Brand lift studies? Free. And a special surprise?!

Digital Marketing Insider (111): 1-22-24

All about the ads today. LinkedIn removing features, Meta making others free, benchmarks to figure out if you’re on the right track for 2024 so far… what’s not to love?

Neither of these first 2 articles should be surprising.

LinkedIn removing Look a like audiences is among a trend in ad platforms shifting a higher priority to their own proprietary targeting, vs leveraging other parties/sources to cobble LALs together.

Similarly, Meta encouraging brand lift studies should only help them earn more budget from people looking to build brand presence in general (vs going with standard programmatic and display).

All in all, you still need to decide what’s right for your org, but at least you’re getting some better targeting and more accessible options to choose from.

LinkedIn look-a-likes are done for.

Finally, a LinkedIn platform update we can all get behind. Customer match and native targeting have always outperformed LALs there - so much so, that LALs are soon to be a thing of the past.

FREE brand lift studies from Meta?!

Credit to Barry Holt for sharing this - what used to cost $50k+ is now going to be accessible to a whole new audience.

New year, new you, amirite?! Start fresh by checking your search account against some benchmarks derived from $70MM in ad spend.

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