4 announcements you will cry about missing

Digital Marketing Insider (117): 2-5-24

The word of the day, is “announcements”.

And not the ‘grade school PA announcements’ about the spirit club.

No, no.

These are announcements we’ve been sitting on for some time. Leaking out slowly, and now, they’re ready for the prime time.

1.) SGE Webinar

You asked, we answered.

With the flurry of questions about content, tactics, and strategic changes, it only made sense to package up everything we know about SGE, and share it with you.

On 2/22/24 at 12pm EST, we’ll be hosting a webinar exclusively about SGE, what it is, what to do about it. We’ll cover the 30,000ft, and .003ft view alike guaranteeing that you’ll walk away with actions to take immediately.

2.) Interviewing for a job? We can help!

It’s tough out there, and every job seems to have thousands of candidates lined out the door for interviews.

How do you rise above the rest?

By bringing a certified kick-a$$ website/SEO analysis to the interview, and outlining how you’re going to crush your competition.

Where do you get that analysis?

Simply ask 🙂 

If you’ve got an interview lined up, email me ([email protected]) and let me know the website of the company you’re interviewing for, AND the date of the interview.

We’ll turn around a website audit, and accompany it with a ~10min loom video walking you through the whole thing.

Take your favorite parts into the interview and knock the absolute socks off of your new boss.

We charge clients $5,000 for these audits, but for you? We’ll waive the entire thing.

No commitment, no fee, no catch. Just marketers helping marketers crush it.

3.) An official referral program (and portal)

Launching in conjunction with #4 here, we’re now rolling out our referral and partner program to everyone.

In short, it’s a program whereby:

  • You introduce us to someone

  • If we do work with that person’s organization, we pay you 10% of their first 3 months fee as a thank you (average payouts are $2,000-$4,000!)

That’s it.

Except now, live as of yesterday, is a partner referral portal where you can track the progress of any and all referrals you send our way through our sales process, and know what your perspective payouts could be.

4.) WMXtra(!)

Oh boy, this has been in the works for a LONG time.

As of yesterday, WMXtra is live!

Wait… what is it? Oh, we should probably tell you.

Imagine a place with the answers to all your questions.

  • How to documents

  • Strategic points of view

  • Commentary on shifting trends in the industry

  • Exclusive podcasts and events

  • And all the other great content you’ve come to expect from us - and just a little bit Xtra on top.

PLUS(!) this will serve as the hub for our referral program, product/service launches and anything else you want to get before the general public.

This newsletter is sponsored by WebMechanix, the digital marketing agency that makes you smarter. 💡

Whenever you're ready, there are 3 ways WebMechanix can help you:

1. Free Audit: For qualifying companies, WebMechanix can provide 30 minutes of free consulting around your biggest area of digital marketing opportunity. Options include paid search, paid social, SEO & conversion rate optimization (CRO). To learn more and see if you qualify, apply here.

2. WMXtra (coming soon): A premium content portal for Digital Marketing Insider subscribers. You'll get instant access to all our premium content, strategy guides, trainings and best practices. You'll also get direct access to our digital marketing experts, a peer to peer network made up of hundreds of marketers and details on our partner program (more $$ in your pocket).

3. Promote yourself to 5,000+ marketers by sponsoring this newsletter (limited spots available.) Reply "sponsor" to this email for details.